hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20060405] Versiera positioned to displace Tivoli and Openview
Found on BSDnews, I think this press release from NetCraft Communications Inc. is still relevant here. Citing BSDnews: ``Toronto, Canada -- April 5, 2006 -- NetCraft Communications Incorporated today announced the immediate availability of Versiera, its much anticipated Internet on demand systems management and monitoring service.

"The technology is at hand to drastically change the way systems monitoring and management is delivered. Gone are the days of the costly legacy based solutions. It's time to start enjoying industry leading services at a fraction of the cost. With Versiera you can have a fully functional systems management and monitoring service available the same day just by deploying Versiera agents onto your systems."

Enterprise and technical staff engaged in management of corporate systems are invited to give Versiera a test run through our 30 day Free Trial period. Versiera includes support for most of the common operating systems (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, OSX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows) and hardware architectures. Just visit our website at or go directly to the Versiera website at ''

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