hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20081208] Call for articles - and some from FreeX 1/2009
NetBSD's articles page is always a good place to mention articles where NetBSD is mentioned in print news, including technical articles and introductory texts. Feel free to let www@ know about any articles that you find (in whatever language).

For today, there are a few German language articles in the 1/2009 issue of the german FreeX magazine:

  • Not every software major release has a noteworthy list of features. This is different for the NetBSD 5 release - not only does it include a number of security-relevant changes, but there are substantial changes in the kernel. Read more in Markus Illenseer's article.

  • File systems in user space promise to connect kernel and applications, and the boundaries between data, files and file systems start to vanish. NetBSD offers an implementation for file systems in user space since 2005, and in the mean time it has reched full source code compatibility to the FUSE standard. The article also contains an interview with Alistair Crooks, developer of NetBSD's user space-based iSCSI implementation. Read more in Ulrich Habel's article.

  • Not a full article, but a useful entry from the "Tips & Tricks" section, there's one on quick creation of a chroot using mksandbox from NetBSD's new bulk build framework.

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