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[20090223] Yet another pkgsrc-based system: BlackMouse Linux
From the BlackMouse Linux homepage: ``BlackMouse is Linux distribution based on Slackware Linux and pkgsrc package system. Pkgsrc system is used in NetBSD unix system and other modifications in other systems, for example in FreeBSD. Main base packages is from slackware with some modification for pkgsrc and other applications packages are compiled from pkgsrc tree.

Prefer gui is GTK2, so prefer desktop is Xfce and GNOME, but KDE is compiled too. Any others BlackMouse tools is/will be programmed in Python, GTK and Bash. In fact, we could say, that BlackMouse Linux want be BSD distribution /with same clean/. In another view to BSD, it's better, and more freedom licence that GPL. So this distribution as complet (new thinks to GNU Slackware Linux) is BSD. We can call BSD BlackMouse Linux as BSD distribtion with GNU kernel :) Many thinks which they are only modifed are still under GPL licence ! Only some new scripts or separate files, code or thinks are under BSD licence!

At this moment, there are 3 hardware versions of BlackMouse: i586, i686 and for x86_64.''

I think at this time I'll stick to my BSD distribution with BSD kernel. :-)

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