hubertf's NetBSD Blog
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[20170503] Adventures in Time, part 1: Interfacing an Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator to a Computer Running NetBSD
I've stumbled across this article via the Dragonfly BSD Digest: Tobias 'tnn' Nygren wrote about his aventurs in time, with part one on Interfacing an Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator to a Computer Running NetBSD.

This first article in a blog series starts by describing regular and oven ontrolled crystal oscillators, then goes on in describing the hardware setup and how it is connected to a computer. In this case, a Banana Pi running NetBSD/evbarm is used which (of course) also has its own clock. Oscilloscope measurements show differences in quality of signals and why an adapter is needed to adjust the system's clock frequency (including changes to the NetBSD kernel).

In the next post Tobias will describe how to calibrate the clock with NTP. Stay tuned and have an eye on his blog!

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