g4u - Harddisk Image Cloning for PCs

Support free software or g4u WILL die!
Latest release: 2.6


1. What is it?

2. Why not one of the alternatives?

3. Requirements & Download

4. Using it

5. FAQs and hints on disk cloning

5.13 Netbooting g4u via PXE

5.14 What FTP server software to use?

5.15 Booting g4u from USB

5.16 Non-standard applications

6. Support and reporting problems

7. Rebuilding from source

8. Links & Ressources

9. History

10. Copying, licenses & donations

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$Id: index.template,v 1.108 2018/12/11 23:03:08 feyrer Exp $ Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Hubert Feyrer